Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Meditation

The Meditation - What is Meditation ?

The modern times have given people "instant" everything—including convenience, solutions, and results among so many others. But, amidst all the advantages it gives to people, it also brings a lot of stress that would eventually lead to serious problems. Because of this stress, more and more people are getting into one of the most powerful means of concentration called "meditation."

Meditation 101

Described as a state wherein a person is in deep concentration on something, either awareness or some object of thought, meditation can be considered as one of the oldest means of calming the mind and the soul. Usually involving one's attention to be turned into a single point of reference, meditation is practiced by so many people because it can lead a person to a consciousness an inch higher than the ordinary person.

Meditation traces its history back some 5,000 years ago. It is said that the practice has been a very important constituent of various religions in the Eastern part of the world. Through the years, people who practice mediation were able to develop various disciplines. These disciplines were known to involve a large range of psychophysical and spiritual—or a combination of both—that leads to the enhancement of a person's higher level of mental concentration.

Derived from the Latin word "meditatio," equivalent to "all types mental or physical exercise," the meaning of meditation has also evolved as times went by. Now, mediation is more popularly perceived as "contemplation" or "inward reflection."

If you are one of those who planning to indulge in practicing meditation or just interested in its seemingly limitless possibilities, then you should start by familiarizing yourself with the various forms of meditation known today. The most common forms of meditation include "Bodhidharma," "Hinduism," "Bahá'í Faith," "Buddhism," "Christian meditation," "Islam Meditation," "Jainism," "Judaism," "Sikhism," and "Taoism." Each and every one of these forms mentioned has their own understanding of meditation and also have different sets of practices that come with it.

Another important thing to take note about meditation is that it involves various physical postures to be able to perform the practice well. These postures include standing, sitting, and supine depending on the tradition of that you would want to follow.

Aside from the postures that are used, it is also important to take note about the various types of meditation before finally indulging into it. Experts say that the most common type is the prayer because this is the one of the most practiced types people does. Aside from the simple prayer, other types of meditation also include what is called transcendental meditation (TM), the mindfulness meditation, and some of the forms included in the Eastern tradition including the buddhist, Taoist, and zen meditation.

If you are just starting, the first thing that you need to concentrate on is the elements for involved in a basic traditional meditation. Usually, there are four elements that greatly affect traditional meditation including a place that is quiet, a posture that is comfortable, an object that a person can to focus his or her attention and n attitude that is relatively passive.

Mediation can indeed be a great mental exercise for anybody. It can also serve as a stress buster because it allows the person to empty his or her mind in other things for a moment and focus the attention to only one thing. Once this is done, the person can feel relief and lighter feeling that can enable him or her to think clearly.

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