Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Meditation Techniques

Meditation techniques are known to vary depending on the origin of the practice and the culture in that place. It also varies depending on the personality of the person and where he or she comfortable with.

Meditation techniques can be classified as "concentrative" that involves the means of focusing into a specific object and the other can be termed as "expansive" that involves a person's free flowing thoughts, observation, and reflection. The following are just some of the most common meditation techniques that are used for effective meditation:

1. The Mantra Meditation. This is one those meditation techniques that involve production of sound or the combination of one or more sounds that are played in a very spontaneous manner. When the sounds are spontaneously played, it can greatly affect the metal process and psychic consciousness of the person practicing it.

2. The Trataka or Steady Gaze. When translated literally, "trataka" means to "gaze steadily" into a specific object. This is one of those meditation techniques that have been commonly practiced by majority of the religious systems in the world such as Sufism and Christianity. Here, the person meditating is asked to gaze steadily in a certain an object and focus his or her attention to it.

Because of its effectivity in holding a person's concentration for a long period of time, the "trataka" is considered as one of the most effective yet simple means of meditating. The most common form for this meditation technique is through a use of a candle that is practically set up at the person's distance of the arm and leveled with the eyes. It is more effective if the candle is lit.

But if you are not a veteran in this field yet, do not attempt lighting the candle because it can lead to an accident. Among the benefits of this meditation technique is that it helps in the improvement of the person's external and internal optic function, alleviates visualization disabilities as well as poor eyesight, develops deep mental concentration, enhances the person's ability in maintaining single point sight as well as developing a person's sense of intuition.

3. The Chakra Meditation. This is also one of those meditation techniques that greatly help in the manifestation of energy and mind control. It is also known to be very effective in developing a person's deeper consciousness. For beginners, there are actually seven Chakras available to be tried on but the most popular among them is the "chakra anusandhana," which can be self-tutored. This meditation technique helps awaken the chakra of a person in a very gentle and balanced way. It is also one of those meditation techniques that are easy to do. What you can do is to sit or lie and close the eyes.

Once you have done this, you can now adjust body as well as your clothing for proper breathing control. Once you get hold of it, you can let the chakra flow into you slowly. Although this is very effective, don’t overuse it because it can lead to various side effects including exhausted mental capability. If you decide to do this, always make sure that a professional to avoid creating imbalance that can lead to various personality disorders guides you.

Other effective meditation techniques also include Vipassana Meditation, Raja Yoga Meditation, Zazen, and Nada Yoga, which have their own respective practices and postures.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Healing Touch

Healing Touch - Benefits of Healing Meditation

The type of healing meditation can provide comes from within. Meditation can reap a number of benefits for people who practice it as a daily routine. Here are just some of the many benefits that meditation can have in your life.

One of the most important benefits that meditation can have on a person's life is inner peace. A lot of people today, in this stressful world that we live in, would like to experience more inner peace in their lives. Inner peace can, at times, seem elusive because life in these modern times has become so hectic.

It is through meditation that we can be taught how to switch off the noise of the mind brought about by this busy and stressful world. Through meditation, we are taught not to focus on all the various passing thoughts which clog our mind. Meditation can teach individuals how to gain a clear state of mind. And through this, the secret of feeling real inner peace can be achieved.

Meditation can also provide some health benefits. Numerous studies have shown some links between meditation and improved health. One of the health benefits that meditation provides is that it is a practical solution to combat stress. It is through stress that a lot of health problems may come from. By relieving stress though meditation people may be able to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart related diseases.

Through meditation, people may also be able to discover a real sense of who they are. Intelligence may be able to seek and discover the answer to many questions in the world. But the one question that asks who we really are always remains unanswered. In order to discover our real self, depending solely on the intellect may not be enough. We need to be aware of our own soul and we may need to go beyond the mind. Through meditation, people can become more aware of a spiritual essence in life. Discovering this would help us feel a new purpose in life.

Meditation can help make our lives simpler. Life today consists of a lot of clutter and unwanted baggage that we can actually live without but do not realize it. A troubled life can contain nothing but teeming problems and worries. By learning how to meditate, people can develop appreciation for the simplicity of life.

Meditation may also help a person know happiness. Learning how to meditate can help people feel real happiness because it allows people to become more in tune with their inner self. When we become more aware of our own heart and mind, we can experience a sense of unity with others and the things all around us. This will bring about a sense of happiness that is not caused by mere external events.

Healing meditation can also help foster better relationships with other people. People can easily create minor conflicts with other people by bringing to light the minor faults of the other person. Fault-finding becomes a common source of unhappiness and division among people. Through meditation, people can develop the sense of giving minor thoughts lesser importance. Meditation can also help develop a sense of unity with other people by naturally looking to their good qualities. By doing this, minor faults of other people become less important.