Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Free Meditation

Free Meditation - Useful Meditation Instructions At Home

Different meditation techniques follow their own set of meditation instructions in order to be effective and lead a person to a higher level of relaxation and consciousness. These guidelines are there to help provide the steps that an individual can follow as he or she begins a meditation session. Duration may differ according to the different techniques and may involve different exercises to achieve that higher level of awareness.

Any meditation practice may be done at different parts of the day. But it is suggested that you do it in the morning. Morning is the ideal time to do a meditation session since it is the time of the day with the least interruptions. It is also good to find a place somewhere in the home that is quiet and private. Here is an example of how you can do your meditation in your own home.

First of all, try to sit upright, keeping your spine relatively straight. You can either sit on a bed, on the floor, or in a chair, whichever is most comfortable for you to sit on. You can cross your legs as you sit down, which is the usual position for meditation. But if crossing your legs will result in discomfort or stoppage of blood flow in the legs, try to uncross and extend them. You may also try to alter to a more comfortable sitting position. Meditation can also depend on how comfortable you are to be effective.

After finding yourself in a comfortable sitting position, the next step is to close the eyes and relax. Do this for a brief moment to calm your body and mind. The next step is to try and visualize a certain object. Visualization is one of the important steps in meditation. Try to focus on the object in your mind and try to be aware of its characteristics. Focusing and concentrating on something in your mind may take time and it will take a lot of practice. This is important since meditation depends on putting your focus on just a single object in your mind while minimizing the distractions as much as possible.

Now that you have visualized a specific object in your mind, try to feel yourself as if you are that object. Try to get a sense of how it is being that object. Feel how it is to be that shape, that color or that texture. Become the object in your mind. In doing so, try to feel calm and relaxed. Don't try to force your mind to do it. Just be aware of that object and let it effortlessly become you. This too may take some time to get used to. But practice will make you get better at it.

What is important in this meditation exercise is that you try to make yourself visualize a certain object effortlessly without forcing your mind to do so. What may be even harder to do the first time you are doing this exercise is how to maintain your visualization. There may be times that a passing thought or a distraction may occur in your mind that may let you lose focus.

With practice in following these simple meditation instructions, you may be able to get used to developing your focus and concentration and keeping your mind free form distractions. By then, you will learn how to relax not only your body but also your mind.

Monday, January 5, 2009

How to Meditate

How to Meditate - Basic Meditation Exercises

Meditation exercises are effective means of reducing stress and teaching your body and mind to relax. Not only that, such exercises can also help build self-confidence and self-esteem. And most importantly, just like any other exercise, it can help you maintain your good health and keep you in great shape.

There are many types of meditation exercises that you can do. It would depend in their ability to make you feel relax and relieve you of stress. One that you can try out is the walking meditation. It is a form of meditation that monks do as a habit in monasteries. What they do is walk the on a quiet area for a time while contemplating or meditating on something. It can be so easy that you can do it too.

In doing the walking meditation, what you need to do is find yourself a set path. It can be a circular track, a sports field, or even a large garden good enough for walking on. Start by walking the path in order to get to know the route. Once you have gotten used to it, begin taking in breaths in a slow and deep breath and then let it out slowly. As you do this, try to be conscious of your body. Feel or sense your entire body and be aware of its every parts. Try to walk slowly. As you are walking try to mentally be aware of how your body is functioning as it moves. Do not attempt to criticize every function or movement. Just try to be aware of how your body moves or works as it walks.

At first it might come off as silly for some people. But just like any other forms of meditation, it is not something that you should rush. You need to get comfortable with it. Sometimes distractions may come and they usually do. It is normal, especially on the initial days that a thought comes into your head like: "This is silly" or, "I have to do the dishes". When they do, just try to push them gently away, and continue on with your walking. You can do this for 10 or 15 minutes, take a bit of rest, and then get on with your normal routine in life.

Another simple meditation exercise that you can do is what is known as the "Step inside a Painting" technique. You can start by finding a painting or picture that you enjoy looking at. Place it a few feet away from you and at a comfortable visual distance. Find a comfortable place to sit on, preferably some area in your home where you will not be disturbed.

When you already have your painting and quite area ready, try to close your eyes. Be aware of how you breathe. Just be attentive to how your body functions as it is breathing in and breathing out. Try to keep everything as they are and try not to change anything, even the timing of your breathing. After a couple of minutes, you will notice your body beginning to slow down.

At this point, you can open your eyes and look at the chosen painting. Simply gaze at the picture. Be aware of the scenery, the lines, and the colors of the painting before you. Try to set the picture in your mind. Once you have it captured in your mind, close your eyes once again. Create the picture mentally and imagine yourself walking into the picture. Have yourself stand inside the picture in your mind. Take a look through the frame and to the place where you are sitting. Allow your mind to take you into the picture. Explore and be aware of your surroundings as you are inside the painting. It can be quite an adventure trying to learn some of these meditation exercises.